Weekly recap

This week was busy. I didn’t do as many shorts, but I did get some great videos done. Most will be released next week. I also was able to screen my first supporters special. I had a sit-down chat with my pastor that I streamed to my “Buy me a coffee” supporters. I even had a co-host!

I also was able to start scripting for a new “Context” video. A lot of CRT/SJ stems from out-of-context passages or just plain closed Bibles. I hope to be able to stir the hearts and minds of believers to not fall for this very sneaky ploy. I was able to create the slides for the video, which I think will be very helpful.

Summer is in full swing! My DD1 is on her way to a college 2-week camp while DD2 is wrapping up VBS and preparing for her own adventures next week.

Getting back into Blogging and Audio

Starting a YouTube channel has been fun and I can’t say I would change much. However, I have to diversify my approach. Doing video content on YT is a double edge sword that will eventually come back on me. You can follow most of my Bible Study content on http://www.jwhit.com

Here’s where else I can be found:

Gab @mrjwhit

Buy Me a Coffee https://www.buymeacoffee.com/dearwokech

Rumble DearWoke

Good Reads Jason Whitaker

Twitter @mrjwhit

Instagram @dearwokechristian

Spotify Dear Woke Christian

Thank you for all your support and encouragement as I get back into blogging and audio podcasting.

What can I do about my channel?

Here are some ideas that you can employ. Rather than worrying about sub count focus on improving what you’re offering your viewers and ultimately your subscribers. Let’s go!

Improve your thumbnails

Add chapters to every interview video or AMA video

Create “Shorts” that showcase content

Make “Clips” that point to your longer-form content

Write a blog post about your most recent videos

These are just a few ideas. What do you think? Feel free to add more ideas below.

You can “buy me a cup of coffee”

I am making a big push to upgrade my recording studio. I have not given up on writing. I am just finding the engagement and back and forth for my videos to be rich. You’re welcome to join in via https://www.buymeacoffee.com/dearwokech

Next month I will be starting a “Memorization Monday” segment. I’ll start with the books of the Bible and move on to verses and even entire passages.

Thank you for your support and encouragement.

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